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Set some ground rules before beginning the discussion. Then help the employees listen and accept each other’s viewpoint as the way that person sees it. Ask open-ended questions focused on work-related issues. Give and get feedback by paraphrasing and summarizing. Be sure you remain neutral. Allow some venting of emotion if necessary. Listen without comment and encourage the employees to talk further. Deal with arguments and angry outbursts by restating the agreed-upon ground rules.
Trainer Comments: When working with employees, it is important to always treat them with respect and care. This is as important to their success as it is to yours. A job well done is as important to people today as it ever was, and part of your job as manager is to help your employees achieve that goal. In many cases, when employees don’t complete their work appropriately, it is because they do not clearly understand what’s expected of them. They have not received the necessary training or instruction to do their jobs correctly.