TrainingBriefs® This Will Help...
eLearning - TrainingBriefs® ID: 3120

TrainingBriefs® This Will Help...

New Course

Inappropriate Touching at Work

Inappropriate touching in the workplace, irrespective of gender, involves any unwelcome, non-consensual physical contact that breaches personal boundaries and contributes to a hostile work environment. This can include actions such as groping, massaging, holding hands, or hugging. Such behavior may be deemed sexual harassment if it is either extremely serious or occurs frequently. Are you aware of the signs that might indicate potential harassment?

eLearning - Sollah Hosted $9.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be uploaded to TRAININGFLOW™. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Additional Information

While it may be well intentioned, the physical contact is uninvited and obviously not welcomed. If the behavior persists, and particularly if it's accompanied by comments like – “why don't you come over tonight and I'll really get you loosened up” - then it could be considered sexual harassment.

Remember, it doesn't matter if a person is sexually harassed by someone of the same or opposite sex - either situation could lead to a lawsuit.

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Category & Details

Also Available as


  • Ensuring Professional and Compliant Behavior

Learning Objectives

  • Learn why even well intentioned, physical contact with others can be inappropriate. Refrain from touching others in the workplace.
  • Understand that it doesn’t matter if a person is sexually harassed by someone of the same or opposite sex – either situation could lead to a lawsuit.


  • Audible Narration
  • Linear Navigation
  • Integrated Video
  • Interactions and Activities
  • Post-Assessment

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