TrainingBriefs® Understanding & Beating Bias
TrainingBriefs® Course ID: 2758

TrainingBriefs® Understanding & Beating Bias

Bias in the Workplace

The impact of unconscious bias means that we are acting a certain way towards people or circumstances without realizing it. Although people may think conscious bias is worse because it is a conscious decision we are aware of, both can be detrimental, especially in the workforce. When unconscious bias affects our decisions, we are unaware of it, because it happens outside our control.

Buying Options

eLearning - Sollah Hosted $9.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be uploaded to TRAININGFLOW™. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

eLearning - Client Hosted $8.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be packaged for use in YOUR OWN LMS. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Request a Quote

Please contact us using the form below. We'll answer your questions and provide a timely quote. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Additional Information

Bias is something we all have, and by itself, it is neither good nor bad. Bias are the attitudes or stereotypes  that affect our understanding, actions, perceptions and decisions. Unconscious bias refers to a bias that we are unaware of, and which happens outside of our control. It is a bias that happens automatically and is triggered by our brain making quick decisions from data it gathers and then adding meaning to it.

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Categories & Details


  • Understanding Diversity
  • Fostering Workplace Inclusion & Belonging

Learning Objectives

  • Learn that bias is something we all have, and by itself, it is neither good nor bad.
  • Understand that the way our brains work and the way we think also contribute to the unconscious biases.


  • Audible Narration
  • Linear Navigation
  • Integrated Video
  • Interactions and Activities
  • Post-Assessment
  • Downloadable Job Aid

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