TrainingBriefs® Understanding Microaggressions
TrainingBriefs® Course ID: 2506

TrainingBriefs® Understanding Microaggressions


Bias & Microaggressions

New Micro-Learning! We all know the definition of bias, right? It’s the negative or positive assumptions usually applied to groups of people. It can be blatant (also known as explicit) or subtle. It can also be unintentional and unconscious. Microaggressions tend to be the everyday, subtle interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward another person or group. They can be intentional or unintentional and sometimes even well-meaning.

Buying Options

eLearning - Sollah Hosted $9.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be uploaded to TRAININGFLOW™. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

eLearning - Client Hosted $8.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be packaged for use in YOUR OWN LMS. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Request a Quote

Please contact us using the form below. We'll answer your questions and provide a timely quote. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Additional Information

New Micro-Learning! We all know the definition of bias, right? It’s the negative or positive assumptions usually applied to groups of people. It can be blatant (also known as explicit) or subtle. It can also be unintentional and unconscious. Microaggressions tend to be the everyday, subtle interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward another person or group. They can be intentional or unintentional and sometimes even well-meaning.

Remember, inclusion is about OPENING UP to others... instead of SHUTTING DOWN. Inclusion helps people feel valued and know they’re an important part of a team… and the organization.

More From the Series: TrainingBytes® Microaggressions & Everyday Interactions™

Related Programs & Training Ideas

Category & Details


  • Understanding Diversity
  • Fostering Workplace Inclusion & Belonging

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how microaggressions might impact our co-workers… and even ourselves.
  • Learn how we can combat the negative impact of microaggressions.


  • Audible Narration
  • Integrated Video
  • Interactions and Activities
  • Post-Assessment

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