Video Program (ILT) ID: 2055

ENOUGH!™ The Consequences of Sexual Harassment


Sexual Harassment Prevention

ENOUGH!™ is a completely new approach to sexual harassment training. This video program is strategically designed in two-parts to deeply engage each learner, creating empathy – with a realistic view of workplace harassment and the fallout associated with a non-compliant culture. ENOUGH! uses a dramatic story line and character interviews to help participants become more aware of the consequences due to the issues surrounding sexual harassment and to help them identify what they should do if they experience or witness sexual harassment.

Buying Options

Library License

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Streaming License

You may license this resource as a streaming video. Please contact your sales representative for cost-effective license pricing. Enterprise licensing also available.

USB Key (3-Year License) $2,695.00

Secure USB must be seated in computer in order to run. Content can't be copied or downloaded. Video will not stream on networks. License fee allows access to content for three years. Associated discussion/workshop materials will be delivered digitally.

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Additional Information

More than likely, your current training is simply not working. ENOUGH! drives deep conversations around the definition and consequences of sexual harassment. EEOC data shows that training efforts over the last 20 years are doing little to stop workplace harassment. ENOUGH! takes a different approach to training - using engaging video and facilitated conversation to drive home key consequences of workplace sexual harassment. Implementation Approach: Participants first watch ENOUGH! (Dramatic Video). Then after a short discussion, participants watch ENOUGH! The Consequences (Video). Training materials walk the facilitator or participant through a series of conversation-based scenarios - all which reinforce the importance of a respectful workplace free of sexual harassment.

More From the Series: ENOUGH!™ The Consequences of Sexual Harassment

Related Programs & Training Ideas

Category & Details


  • Ensuring Professional & Compliant Behavior

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the definitions and implications of workplace sexual harassment.
  • Learn how to address and prevent sexual harassment at work.
  • Understand the importance of creating a respectful workplace - free of sexual harassment.

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