I've Had It With This Place
Video Vignettes ID: 51

I've Had It With This Place


Temper Tantrums

When uncontrolled emotions and fits of temper turn disruptive and threatening. It’s our job to recognize warning signs and then tell someone in authority...before it’s too late.

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This training program has been discontinued. We suggest you take a look at the following program:

I've Had It With This Place! (from Be SAFE, Not Sorry)

I've Had It With This Place! (from Be SAFE, Not Sorry)

Dealing with Disruptive Behavior at Work

Blowing off steam at work is one thing. But when someone starts yelling or throwing things around on a regular basis… it's time to take a step back and ask - what's going on here? Not only is disruptive behavior inappropriate, it's also one of the most common forms of workplace violence. And something needs to be done about it before it escalates into something way more serious.

Type: Video Vignettes

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  • Ensuring Professional and Compliant Behavior