Video Vignettes ID: 2931

Meet Kim Foo...


Inappropriate Workplace Humor

Sometimes we don’t realize that our comments or jokes are a form of ridicule and disrespect when they play off stereotypes. These kinds of jokes often offend people in the workplace or make them feel excluded. Managers need to help employees see the impact of their behavior on working relationships (and the workplace in general).

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Additional Information

Most of us don’t mean to say things to intentionally insult people, but sometimes we tell or listen to jokes that play off of stereotypes. Sometimes they can cross the line to ridicule and insult and lead to a hostile environment.

It’s important to maintain a courteous and respectful workplace. If someone—an employee, customer, supplier, anyone—is offended by comments in the workplace, it could contribute to a hostile work environment or harassment when the subject is related to a characteristic protected by law or our policies.

All things considered, the best thing is for managers to help employees understand when their behavior is out of line and prevent complaints.

Related Programs & Training Ideas

Also Available as


  • Diversity
  • Fostering Workplace Inclusion & Belonging

Learning Objectives

  • Understand that when workplace humor crosses the line, a manager is obligated to step in and address the issue.
  • Learn how inappropriate humor could contribute to a hostile work environment or harassment.

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