Video Program (ILT) ID: 3072

Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™ (Standard Version)


Preventing Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace

Ensure Your Workplace Knows the Boundaries of Acceptable Behavior! In today's environment, it's crucial for employees to clearly understand where the boundaries of acceptable and legal workplace behavior lie. Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™ addresses all forms of harassment, including hazing, gossip, retaliation, and more. This comprehensive program meets federal compliance standards for harassment prevention training, equipping employees with the tools to resolve situations before they escalate.

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Library License

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Streaming License

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USB Key (3-Year License) $2,695.00

Secure USB must be seated in computer in order to run. Content can't be copied or downloaded. Video will not stream on networks. License fee allows access to content for three years. Associated discussion/workshop materials will be delivered digitally.

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Additional Information

Everyone, regardless of position, title, or level within an organization, is responsible for fostering a respectful and harassment-free workplace. Right Side of the Line empowers participants to take a proactive approach in creating and maintaining respectful organizational cultures, ensuring legal compliance, adherence to organizational policies, and a thriving workplace environment.

This powerful program addresses key unprofessional, prohibited, and unlawful situations:

  •     Unprofessional Teasing/Hazing
  •     Inappropriate Humor
  •     Racial Discrimination & Stereotyping
  •     Sexual Orientation & Religious Beliefs
  •     Gossip & Defamation of Character
  •     Third Party Sexual Harassment (with bystander component) & Retaliation

Taking a proactive approach with this program ensures a positive, respectful, and legally compliant workplace. Let's work together to build an environment where everyone feels valued and safe.

Related Programs & Training Ideas

Category & Details


  • Ensuring Professional & Compliant Behavior

Learning Objectives

  • Describe how and why maintaining a respectful and harassment-free culture benefits all employees as well as the organization.
  • Explain the difference between inappropriate, prohibited and illegal behavior.
  • Identify behaviors that could escalate into more serious situations.
  • Respond appropriately to defuse situations and prevent them from escalating.

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