The Future of Work™ Generations in the Workplace

The Future of Work™ Do You Hear What They’re Saying?

The Future of Work™ Do You Hear What They’re Saying?

The Future of Work™ I’m Calling My Therapist!

The Future of Work™ That Was the Most Bizarre Meeting!

The Future of Work™ That Was the Most Bizarre Meeting!

The Future of Work™ What’s This Even Mean?

The Future of Work™ When the Boss Calls a Meeting…

The Future of Work™ When the Boss Calls a Meeting…
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Generational differences can be positive. We each bring our experiences and our different perspectives and that can make for a richer, more productive workplace. M.E.E.T.® is a tool that makes a positive impact. It helps us communicate, learn, and work together more effectively.
We need to make time to discuss a situation. We have to explore differences, so we understand the situation before we act. We need to encourage and maintain respect. And we have to take personal responsibility to find the common ground so we can address the situation or solve the problem and move forward, together.
This powerful program addresses several situations that push the boundaries of maintaining an inclusive and respectful workplace. These include:
- Outdated Leadership Styles
- Rapid Pace/Change of Workplace Technology
- Inappropriate Use of Names/Terminology
- The Speed of Workplace Change
- Mental Health & Well-being (Work-Life Balance)
- Ageism
- Meeting/Team Expectations