TrainingBytes® ID: 3041

TrainingBytes® I Was Thinking...


The Negative Impacts of Mansplaining

When a man seeks to explain to a woman who has expertise how to solve the issue… what he thinks she should do instead... this can be called many things, one of them is “mansplaining.” That's when a man (co-worker, boss, etc.) thinks he knows better because he thinks his idea or experience is more valuable… and takes over a conversation. When creating a respectful workplace where everyone feels they belong, it's important to address things like mansplaining - both directly and positively.

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Additional Information

When interacting with others, it helps teamwork when we stop to pause and ask ourselves these questions before we jump in to add our thoughts.

1.    Does this conversation need my expertise, or do I just want to share my ideas?
2.    Is what I am about to share necessary to this conversation?
3.    Will my approach to sharing my ideas encourage… or… discourage other people?

There are times when a specific area of expertise may be needed. However, if the conversation does not need any further expertise… your input could make other people feel their ideas aren’t valued. By asking if you can share your thoughts, you let others know that they’re respected… and what they bring to the table is important.

Related Programs & Training Ideas


  • Ensuring Professional and Compliant Behavior
  • Fostering Inclusion, Equity & Belonging

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the detrimental impacts of mansplaining on coworkers and team members.
  • Learn how to be an ally and stick up for others in the workplace.
  • Understand the importance of asking if we can share your thoughts before jumping into a conversation.

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