TrainingBytes® ID: 3117

TrainingBytes® Picture of the Day


Gender-Based Harassment & Discrimination

Sending an altered picture of a co-worker in and of itself may seem harmless… but it’s not. At a minimum, it could be inappropriate and unprofessional. If it's pervasive behavior, it's grounds for a hostile work sexual harassment lawsuit.

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Additional Information

What it all comes down to is this - preventing sexual harassment is about recognizing what's going on around us and then making good decisions.

So, if we see or hear about the kind of situation we've talked about today - we don't just walk away or laugh it off; we let someone who's in a position to deal with it - know what's going on.

And finally, preventing sexual harassment means making sure that we're treating employees, coworkers, customers, vendors - anyone we deal with in the workplace - with absolute dignity and respect. But because it's simply… the right thing to do!

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Also Available as


  • Ensuring Professional & Compliant Behavior
  • Professional and Compliant Behavior

Learning Objectives

  • Understand that preventing sexual harassment is about recognizing what's going on around us and then making good decisions.
  • Learn that preventing sexual harassment means making sure that we're treating employees, coworkers, customers, vendors with absolute dignity and respect.

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