TrainingBytes® ID: 3029

TrainingBytes® The Critique

Inappropriate Comments (Physical Appearance)

When it comes to inappropriate workplace comments (even joking and innuendo), sometimes it takes voicing your objections to the person more than once before they get the message. The idea is to be consistent. Each time that their behavior crosses the line you must confront them. Now, if you don't feel comfortable confronting them, document each incident and then go to human resources about the situation. This type of behavior is unacceptable.

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Additional Information

Preventing harassment based on inappropriate comments in the workplace is vital because it's a form of sexual harassment that violates the human rights and dignity of employees. Inappropriate comments about someone's physical appearance are unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that can create a hostile work environment.

These types of comments can result in lower self-esteem, reduced motivation, increased stress, poor mental health, and lower career satisfaction and advancement for the target of this harassment.

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  • Ensuring Professional & Compliant Behavior
  • Managing Legal Risk

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