TrainingBytes® ID: 2978

TrainingBytes® The Persistent Romeo

Unwelcomed Pursuit & Harassment

We all know the definition of sexual harassment... the unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature in the workplace or learning environment (according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). But sexual harassment does not always have to be specifically about sexual behavior. It can be subtle... like refusing to take no for an answer when asking for a date and then being turned down by a co-worker.

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Additional Information

When persistent, unwelcome pursuits lead to sexual harassment within the workplace... what do you do? Hostile work environment sexual harassment occurs when the harassing behavior has the effect of making the work environment so unreasonably offensive or intimidating that the employee is unable to do the job effectively. Harassing behavior that causes a hostile work environment can range from sexually suggestive jokes and pictures, repeatedly asking co-workers out on dates, and unwelcome physical contact.

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