TrainingBytes® ID: 2622

TrainingBytes® Using Correct Pronouns

Create a Sense of Belonging at Work

Pronouns, just like personal names, are connected to a person's identity. Gender pronouns are words that an individual (co-worker, customer, vendor, etc.) would like others to use when talking to or about them. The most commonly used pronouns are “he, him, his” and “she, her, hers.” People who are transgender, nonbinary, or gender nonconforming may choose to use pronouns that don't conform to binary male/female gender categorizations, such as "they, them, theirs."

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Additional Information

Part of creating that inclusive workplace - where everyone feels a sense of belonging - means discussing things we might not understand or even completely agree with. And we can do that in a way that fosters respect – without alienating others in the process. Having these conversations is crucial for our workplace to innovate and grow – each of us personally – and as an organization as a whole.

Related Programs & Training Ideas


  • Understanding Diversity
  • Fostering Inclusion & Respect

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the importance of using correct pronouns with co-workers, vendors and even customers.
  • Learn the importance of having courageous conversations around sensitive diversity topics.

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