Understand Preconceived Notions - A Quick Conversation
Activities ID: 2837

Understand Preconceived Notions - A Quick Conversation

Assumptions & Stereotypes

Hear the word flour and what comes to mind is probably baking, bread, and pizza crust. The preconceived notion that flour is only found in baked goods can lead to surprise when it is discovered that it can also be an ingredient in: pasta sauce, hot dogs, salad dressing, soup, taco sauce, and even dog food. Having preconceived notions about other people is like assuming that you know all of the ingredients of an item of food just by looking at it.

Additional Information

Need a quick solution to tackling tough workplace conversations? This one-page resource provides a topical overview/story (to be read to your team in person  - as a huddle - or sent via email). An action step and discussion questions provide the framework for a customizable conversation. Easy-to-implement and designed to be used with little to no planning, these conversation triggers provide a simple model for creating great team discussion.

Related Programs & Training Ideas


  • Creating a Collaborative Environment
  • Developing Critical Work Skills
  • Promoting Teamwork

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