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Sexual Harassment Is...™

Sexual harassment is... illegal, costly, debilitating, wrong! This thought-provoking, short video uses impactful imagery, video and music to inspire and stimulate discussion about protecting your employees and organization from sexual harassment.

Topic: Sexual Harassment Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Discussion Generators Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Discussion Trigger, Learning Reinforcement

Taking Care of Your Future Is...™

Stimulate discussion about what it really takes to succeed in a career. This thought-provoking, powerful short video uses impactful imagery, video and music to stimulate a discussion about what it takes to get your career on track and rolling. A common sense approach to understanding the important things to remember in the workplace.

Topic: Professionalism Learning Path: Personal Performance Type: Discussion Generators Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Communication, Discussion Trigger, Energizer or Team Builder, Interpersonal Skills, Learning Reinforcement, Motivation, Onboarding, Personal Improvement

Workplace Violence Is...™

Violence affects ALL of us. We must recognize the warning signs and then speak up. Most violence is less obvious than someone walking in with a gun. A thought-provoking video that uses music, text and graphics to inspire and stimulate discussion about workplace violence and all its forms.

Topic: Workplace Violence Prevention Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Discussion Generators Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Compliance, Learning Reinforcement, Management, Workplace Safety & Awareness
Look! I Am Color Blind

Look! I Am Color Blind

Encouraging respect for ourselves and others does not mean failing to recognize race or other differences when they affect our understanding of a situation, our impact on others or our relationships. No matter how you may feel as an individual, color and race consciousness exist in our society and is the lived experience of many people. This video also acknowledges the importance of identity… which is how we see ourselves and how others see us.

Topic: Inclusion / Equity / Belonging Learning Path: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Diversity Dynamics, Micro-Inequities/Micro-Aggressions, Racial Equity, Unconscious / Hidden Bias Closed Captioned
Are You Saying This is a Race Issue?

Are You Saying This is a Race Issue?

Being an outsider can happen to any of us at any time. It can happen based on occupation, tenure, age, gender… the list goes on and on. When there are race or cultural differences the points of connection may not be easy, reactions may be more intense, and misunderstandings are more likely to occur. Inclusion is all about intentional acts that build connections and strengthen relationships.

Topic: Diversity Dynamics Learning Path: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Racial Equity Closed Captioned
Come On Now... I’m Not Racist!

Come On Now... I’m Not Racist!

Sometimes people don’t recognize when and how racial bias is expressed in our society and in day-to-day interactions. Most of us have seen or experienced racial bias in the form of microaggressions, which are subtle, sometimes indirect, and often unintentional behaviors that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative racial messages or assumptions. Although these things may not be intended as racist, they can come across that way.

Topic: Diversity Dynamics Learning Path: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Micro-Inequities/Micro-Aggressions, Racial Equity, Unconscious / Hidden Bias Closed Captioned
Go Back to Where I Came From!

Go Back to Where I Came From!

When employees are subjected to slurs and other negative behaviors based on legally protected status—like race, national origin, religion, age, disability and gender among others—the organization has an obligation to prevent and protect their employees from these types of behaviors, including behaviors on the part of non-employees, such as customers.

Topic: Diversity Dynamics Learning Path: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Harassment Prevention, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Micro-Inequities/Micro-Aggressions, Racial Equity Closed Captioned
She’s Young... And a Girl!

She’s Young... And a Girl!

Diversity, equity and inclusion are about encouraging and listening to ALL voices. When ideas are dismissed or discouraged, or when there are negative consequences for speaking up, we miss opportunities for innovation and problem solving. Beating tough diversity dynamics at work means creating an environment where all voices can be hard and valued. This is everyone’s responsibility.

Topic: Inclusion / Equity / Belonging Learning Path: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Diversity Dynamics, Micro-Inequities/Micro-Aggressions, Racial Equity, Unconscious / Hidden Bias Closed Captioned
White Guys Need Not Apply!

White Guys Need Not Apply!

It's easy to see how the focus on diversity, equity and inclusion has caused some white men to believe they have fewer opportunities. But the fact is that laws on fairness and equity apply equally to everyone. Efforts on the part of organizations to expand their race, gender, and ethnic diversity can’t legally, unfairly disadvantage any group. White males are protected by these same laws and have the same rights as everyone else.

Topic: Inclusion / Equity / Belonging Learning Path: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Micro-Inequities/Micro-Aggressions, Racial Equity Closed Captioned
Are There Going to Be Layoffs?

Are There Going to Be Layoffs?

Conflicts between our obligations to friends and the organization can make decisions difficult; in those situations, we must let the law and the organization’s policy be our guide. Confidential information must always remain confidential. So, the bottom line is, we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policy on handling confidential information.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
Couldn’t You Do It on the Side?

Couldn’t You Do It on the Side?

We must be careful not to participate in any activities where our personal interests or actions might interfere or compete with our obligation to the organization. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest can create problems for ourselves and our organizations. So, the bottom line is, we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policy on dealing with conflicts of interest.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
Cyber What?

Cyber What?

Sensitive information left out on a desk can easily be taken by thieving hands and seen by prying eyes. All sensitive and confidential information should be securely stored – especially things like system passwords. The bottom line is simple. You need to know and follow the organization’s secure/sensitive information policies and procedures – especially when it comes to passwords. Cybersecurity policies are not to be taken lightly.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance, Cybersecurity Closed Captioned
Getting Paid to Scroll

Getting Paid to Scroll

Time theft hurts the company. A recent study estimates that it costs U.S. employers more than $400 billion per year in lost productivity. Five to ten minutes here and there add up to big losses over time. So, the bottom line is, we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policy on our work responsibilities. Remember, it doesn't matter if 'everybody's doing it’... simply put, it breaks trust.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
I Need ‘Em Shredded

I Need ‘Em Shredded

To summarize, business documents (including paper files, reports emails and electronic files) need to be retained in accordance with the law and organization requirements/policies. And, if documents are destroyed improperly, it can result in serious problems for the organization and the individual. So, the bottom line is, we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policy on document retention and destruction.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
Isn’t That Confidential?

Isn’t That Confidential?

In most organizations, managers and supervisors have an obligation to help employees resolve business practice or compliance concerns. Remember, all reports of violations must be taken seriously, and appropriate action taken in a timely manner. Again, no matter what our role in the organization—we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policy on handling reports of violations.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
It Hasn’t Worked for Months

It Hasn’t Worked for Months

Interactions with auditors, inspectors, or investigators—internal or external—must be conducted in an open, honest, and ethical manner. And all information provided to auditors, inspectors or investigators must be accurate and truthful. There can be no exceptions, which mean the bottom line is, we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policy on providing accurate information.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
It Isn’t in Their Best Interest

It Isn’t in Their Best Interest

We all know that situations where we’re trying to win business put a lot of pressure on everyone involved. And we also know that comparing our products and services to the competition must be done in a truthful manner. The bottom line is, we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policies relating to how we talk about our competitors.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
It’s Pretty Obvious Where He’s From…

It’s Pretty Obvious Where He’s From…

In making hiring decisions, it is important and necessary to follow good employment practices. And we must not engage in any actions that would result in unlawful discrimination. In short, we all have a responsibility to know and follow the organization’s policies on dealing with diversity and preventing discrimination in the workplace.

Topic: Discrimination Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance, Ethics & Integrity Closed Captioned
My Brother-in-Law Works Over There

My Brother-in-Law Works Over There

We have an obligation to keep up with current developments in our industry. That includes the right and responsibility to obtain information about the competition. However, there are right ways and wrong ways to get that information; we must always choose the right way. And the right way is to know and follow the organization’s policy on gathering competitive information.

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance Closed Captioned
She’s in for a Struggle

She’s in for a Struggle

When it comes to discussing personal health information (PHI), it should only be discussed with the people who need to know. If you have access to PHI and discuss it with those who do not have the right access to this information - it is a violation of HIPAA. The bottom line is simple, know and follow the organization’s policy on handling personal health information (and reporting violations).

Topic: Ethics & Integrity Learning Path: Ethics & Compliance Type: Video Vignettes Suggested Industry Usage: Healthcare, Industrial & Manufacturing, Office & General, Retail & Hospitality, Government Other Topics: Compliance, HIPAA Closed Captioned