Search Video Library for: Ethics & Compliance, Harassment Prevention

The Spy... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

The Spy... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

It’s important to remember that sexual harassment can take many forms. It can be verbal, as with jokes, comments, or propositions. It can be visual, as in written notes, cartoons, or objects. It can be electronic, as in e-mails, social media posts, and texts. And it can be physical, as with touching, gesturing, or leering and staring.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism, Workplace Civility

Scratch My Back... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

Scratch My Back... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when an employee's supervisor, manager, or someone else in authority offers or suggests that an employee will be given something, such as a raise or promotion, in exchange for some sort of sexual favor. This also includes refusing someone a promotion.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Harassment Prevention, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism, Workplace Civility

The Honeymooner... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

The Honeymooner... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

Sexual jokes, innuendos or graphic stories could easily cross the line from simply inappropriate and unprofessional to unlawful... in a hurry! Understanding the line when it comes to workplace jokes is key to avoiding a sexual harassment lawsuit.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Sexual Harassment, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism, Workplace Civility

The Best Side... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

The Best Side... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

Sexual harassment can take place anywhere. Any gender can unlawfully harass another other gender. Women can harass men, women, and transgender people; men can harass women, men, and transgender people; and transgender people can harass men, women, and transgender people.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Harassment Prevention, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism, Workplace Civility

The Critique... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

The Critique... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

Do your employees know the difference between unprofessional and illegal behavior and sexual harassment? Even when subtle in nature, comments, body language, and tone of voice that imply something sexual is not appropriate in the workplace.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism, Workplace Civility

While You're Down There... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

While You're Down There... (a Sexual Harassment Situation for Discussion)

When a co-worker is constantly making sexual jokes and innuendos, then the inappropriate behavior is pervasive. If not addressed, the perpetrator (and the organization) could face charges of hostile work environment sexual harassment.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism, Workplace Civility

Preventing Workplace Bullying: How to Recognize and Respond to Bullies at Work™

Preventing Workplace Bullying: How to Recognize and Respond to Bullies at Work™

This program is about recognizing and preventing bullying in the workplace. Bullying can happen in any size organization and in any department. Awareness is paramount. It is everyone's responsibility to prevent it.

Off-The-Shelf Video Program (ILT) Ethics & Compliance Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Communication, Harassment Prevention, Management, Professionalism

Preventing Workplace Bullying: Manager's Module

Preventing Workplace Bullying: Manager's Module

A module specifically created for managers covering the bullying topic and how to address and prevent it in the workplace.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance, Leadership, Workplace Safety Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Change, Communication, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Effective Leadership, Management, Professionalism

Workplace Bullying: The School Principal

Workplace Bullying: The School Principal

A teacher takes necessary steps. Review Organizational Polices, Document actions and responses, Involve HR or management, Formalize complaint.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Communication, Ethics & Integrity, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism

Workplace Bullying via Social Media/Email

Workplace Bullying via Social Media/Email

An employee shares her story about co-worker bullying by teasing her about her weight.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Communication, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Interpersonal Skills, Professionalism

Workplace Bullying Example in Healthcare Setting

Workplace Bullying Example in Healthcare Setting

Female shares her story about the head nurse bullying the newer nurse.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Communication, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Management, Professionalism

Allowing the Victim to Dictate Actions (from Legal Briefs™)

Allowing the Victim to Dictate Actions (from Legal Briefs™)

When it comes to harassment and discrimination cases, there are clear steps in how to address and investigate. Those rules should be defined in the organization's harassment prevention policies.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance, Leadership Management, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism

Dealing with Workplace Dating (from Legal Briefs™)

Dealing with Workplace Dating (from Legal Briefs™)

Workplace dating can be a tough topic to tackle... especially if it happens between managers and direct reports. Get in front of the situation by understanding the issues and how your harassment and discrimination policy guides your steps.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance, Leadership Management, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism

Did You Hear About...?

Did You Hear About...?

How many times have you found out something about somebody you work with and - you don't mean to – but you start treating the person differently. Believe it or not, that could end up being a bad thing. Gossip in the workplace usually ends up bad...for everyone.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Discrimination, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism

Failing to Enforce Organizational Policy (from Legal Briefs™)

Failing to Enforce Organizational Policy (from Legal Briefs™)

Failing to implement and especially failing to enforce your organization's harassment and discrimination prevention policies can lead to big problems for you... and the organization. This short video discusses the consequences of failing to enforce harassment prevention policies and procedures.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance, Leadership Management, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism

Failing to Prevent All Forms of Harassment (from Legal Briefs™)

Failing to Prevent All Forms of Harassment (from Legal Briefs™)

The consequences of not preventing workplace harassment are just too detrimental. This short video outlines those very consequences of failing to prevent harassment and discrimination.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance, Leadership Management, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism

Gina's Fan (Employees)

Gina's Fan (Employees)

Vignette shows co-worker sending email communications with sexually suggestive comments, requests, jokes, or internet links to sexually suggestive sites - creating a hostile work environment.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Sexual Harassment, Harassment Prevention

Nobody Will Ever Know

Nobody Will Ever Know

Many people have misconceptions about retaliation in the workplace. It is up to you, as a person in a leadership position, to recognize these behaviors and take appropriate action.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Retaliation / Reprisal, Abusive Conduct / Bullying, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Effective Leadership, Professionalism

Perfect Storm

Perfect Storm

The implications of a manager taking action due to a fear of a claim of retaliation from an employee.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance Retaliation / Reprisal, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism

Recognizing & Stopping Harassment (from Legal Briefs™)

Recognizing & Stopping Harassment (from Legal Briefs™)

When it comes to preventing workplace harassment and discrimination, you need to recognize it... and quickly. This video outlines how to recognize and stop both.

Video Vignettes Ethics & Compliance, Leadership Management, Compliance, Harassment Prevention, Professionalism