Video Summary ID: 3027

Choose to Include! (from Inclusion 101™)


Including Others at Work (and Beyond)

Inclusion means making sure that everyone has an opportunity to be on the team, to contribute; and that we participate and contribute whenever we can. Inclusion doesn’t just happen. We have to be intentional about it. We must choose to include others in our daily work life.

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Additional Information

Inclusion starts with each of us. Just as we choose our attitude each and every day, we can choose to include others. And a good way to start is by asking ourselves:

•    Have I taken steps to ensure that everyone feels included?
•    Am I aware how my behaviors cause people to feel excluded?
•    Do I engage in behaviors that cause people to feel included or even excluded?
•    And finally, do I contribute and participate whenever I can?

More From the Series: Inclusion 101™ Optimizing Our Diversity Potential

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Category & Details


  • Leading a Culturally Diverse Workforce

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