Video Vignettes ID: 2390

I Said Something™ You Look… Scrumptious!


Sexual Harassment Prevention / Allyship

Sexual harassment can happen in many different forms. While it can be shocking to encounter and/or witness blatant sexual harassment, having an uncomfortable conversation with the perpetrator can help to redraw the lines.

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Additional Information

Each day, in organizations large and small, people cross the line in their words and actions. As you might guess, it happens in all sorts of ways. For example, it’s been estimated that two-thirds of workers experience workplace bullying. And research shows that as many as 80% of women experience some form of sexual harassment in the workplace.

“Crossing the line” has real costs. Beyond financial impacts, bad behavior damages working relationships, affects morale and can diminish an organization’s reputation.

We don’t have to just accept it as part of the workplace culture. We must move past this to provide a better, more productive environment for everyone.

More From the Series: I Said Something™ Promoting Respectful Workplace Behavior

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  • Ensuring Professional & Compliant Behavior
  • Leading and Managing for Peak Performance
  • Managing Risk

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