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A person being pursued doesn't have to say no. Anything other than yes, means "no." By the same token, if we're the target of unwanted pursuit, it's best to tell the harasser "no" clearly and directly.
Third Party Harassment (and Bystander Intervention)
Our working relationships are complicated for all kinds of reasons. That's why we really have to know where the lines are when it comes to managing our interactions with co workers, customers, and vendors. Take the unwanted pursuit of a relationship. It doesn't make any difference where it comes from a manager, a coworker, a vendor or a customer unwanted pursuit could be considered illegal harassment and simply can't be a part of the workplace.
A person being pursued doesn't have to say no. Anything other than yes, means "no." By the same token, if we're the target of unwanted pursuit, it's best to tell the harasser "no" clearly and directly.