Video Vignettes ID: 3079

People Like That (from Right Side of the Line)


Preventing Discrimination Against Protected Groups (LGBTQ+)

All of us have things that we value and believe in strongly. But it's important we make sure we don't cross the line and allow those convictions to get in the way of treating others with respect. These are specific things you should understand about the workplace when it comes to LGBTQ+ and deeply held religious or personal beliefs: Most organizations have policies that prohibit harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Those characteristics have been protected by federal law since the Bostock decision of the US Supreme Court in 2020. Many state laws have protected these characteristics for much longer.

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Additional Information

Federal law and many state laws protect employees against religious discrimination and harassment at work. But, our right to express our religious beliefs in the workplace is limited.  Think of it this way: You can’t step on the rights of others, or violate policy or the law, while exercising our own rights.  Balance and reasonableness is key. You don't have to hide your religious affiliation. And it's okay for someone to express their beliefs in their grooming, dress and observances.

More From the Series: Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™ (Standard Version)

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