Video Vignettes ID: 453

Probe for a Negative Example (Interviewing Tip)

Probing Strategies

Another follow-up strategy is to seek contrary evidence. This is a fairly advanced technique for gaining representative skill information. When using the skill, ask for a negative example after you hear a positive answer. And vice versa ask for a positive example after you hear a negative answer. Seeking contrary evidence is simply about looking for representative information on skills ...successes and failures, positives and negatives, achievements and disappointments. Look for a well-rounded picture of the candidate's skills.

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Consider a response and probes like:

  • "Yes, that is a legal question . the athletic director must be able to support our organizational values."
  • "Tell me about the values you emphasized in the last fitness program you developed?"
  • "When have you benefited by keeping balance in your life?"
  • "Give me an example of a time when you had to learn how to be an advocate of a new idea?

Remember to seek contrary information when the answer is negative!

More From the Series: Get the Whole Picture: Asking Probing Questions in a Behavior-based Interview™

Related Programs & Training Ideas

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  • Interviewing for Capability and Cultural Fit

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