TrainingBriefs® Redirection
TrainingBriefs® Course ID: 2195

TrainingBriefs® Redirection

Using Redirection vs. Discipline

Discipline should be a last resort. It’s negative and often leads to separation. Redirecting behavior is positive, forward-thinking, and often leads to success. Before you give a reprimand—think! In many cases an employee needs to be redirected rather than reprimanded.

Buying Options

eLearning - Sollah Hosted $9.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be uploaded to TRAININGFLOW™. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

eLearning - Client Hosted $8.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be packaged for use in YOUR OWN LMS. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Request a Quote

Please contact us using the form below. We'll answer your questions and provide a timely quote. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Additional Information

When it comes to the workplace, things are changing so fast and frequently that few people ever get to be experts at their job anymore. We're all constant learners. We make mistakes. The great thing about redirection is – not only do you fix the mistake... you actually build the relationship in the process.

More From the Series: Whale Done!: The Power of Positive Relationships™

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Category & Details

Also Available as


  • Developing Core Leadership Skills


  • Audible Narration
  • Integrated Video
  • Interactions and Activities
  • Post-Assessment

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