Sollah Interactive Releases eLearning Course for Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse & Neglect

[Des Moines, IA – January 13, 2021] — Sollah Interactive, a premiere training content producer and curator has announced the release of a powerful, interactive course provides an overview of the definitions, requirements, and protections of the California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) – legislation originally passed in 1980 – as it relates to newly designated mandated reports (corporate human resources professionals and front line business supervisors).
Required Training under California AB 1963
This new course specifically focuses on the requirements of mandated reporter under the new bill. Mandated reporters need to understand how to recognize child abuse or neglect and how to make reports that are timely, complete, and accurate.
- Per California law (AB1963), mandated reporting has been expanded.
- A human resource employee of a business that has at least five employees, and that also employs minors, is now a mandatory reporter of child abuse and neglect under the revised statute.
- If the individual is empowered by the employer to accept complaints of misconduct like discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, then the individual is a “human resources employee” for the purposes of this reporting requirement.
- An adult whose job duties for a business employing five or more employees require direct contact with and supervision of minors in the performance of minor’s workplace duties is a mandatory reporter of sexual abuse.
The primary intent of child abuse reporting laws is to protect the child. Protecting the identified victim may also provide the opportunity to protect other potential victims and to provide help for the suspected abuser. The report of child abuse or neglect can even be a catalyst for change in the home environment, which may even lower the risk of abuse. Mandated reporters play a crucial role in this process by identifying and reporting concerns of child abuse and neglect that may otherwise go unseen.
Course Title: Mandated Reporting - Child Abuse and Neglect (California)
Target Audience: All Corporate HR Professionals & Front Line Supervisors
Seat Time: 35 Minutes
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