Each generation possesses unique skills and perspectives shaped by the social context within which they grew up. While this variety adds value to the workplace, it can cause an understandable divide. It is crucial for organizations to clearly outline company values, job descriptions, and preferred operating procedures.
The Future of Work:
Understanding and Adapting to Generational Differences
For the first time, the workforce consists of five generations—making it more generationally diverse than ever. Generational diversity adds value to an organization but poses its own set of challenges. Discrepancies in communication preferences, management styles, and personal values sometimes cause fractious working conditions.
An uncooperative work environment is unproductive. Understanding and adapting to generational differences is the key to fostering a healthy, productive workplace.
New Release! The Future of Work™ Generations in the Workplace
The Five Generations in the Workplace
There are 5 generations present in today’s workforce. The dominant four are:
Gen Z: born between 1997-2012
Gen Y (Millennials): born between 1981-1996
Gen X: born between 1965-1980
Baby Boomers: born between 1946-1964
The 5th generation, the Traditionalists or The Silent Generation, comprises a small portion of today’s workforce. This cohort includes people born in 1945 and earlier.
Each generation brings unique life experiences to the workplace. Organizations can foster collaboration in the ever-changing landscape of our future workforce by viewing inter-generational diversity in the workplace as a strength rather than a weakness or obstacle.
Managing Intergenerational Diversity in the Workplace
The key to managing an intergenerational workforce is understanding and adapting to the characteristics of each generation. While it is necessary to recognize differences, it’s equally important not to fall victim to harmful stereotypes.
Gen Z
in the Workplace
Generation Z is the first generation born with widespread access to technology. They are keen multitaskers who seek flexible work environments.
Core values: Diversity, inclusion, authenticity, personal expression
Traits: Ambitious, pragmatic, flexible, nontraditional
Work ethic: Intense and project-oriented
Stereotypes: Short attention span, unrealistic, need for instant gratification
in the Workplace
Millennials are the largest cohort present in today’s workforce. They value collaborative environments with learning opportunities.
Core values: Interconnection, personal growth, equality, individuality
Traits: Eager, tech-savvy, life-long learners, social
Work ethic: Ambitious multitaskers
Stereotypes: Lazy, entitled, unrealistic
Gen X
in the Workplace
Generation X enjoys tackling new challenges. They seek flexible work environments providing a healthy work-life balance.
Core values: Autonomy, work-life balance, freedom
Traits: Hard-working, resourceful, skeptical, independent
Work ethic: Efficient and self-reliant
Stereotypes: Negative, cynical
Baby Boomers
in the Workplace
Many Baby Boomers choose to work past the traditional age of retirement. Their career is part of their identity, and they value recognition for their dedication.
Core values: Hard work, optimism, connection
Traits: Career-focused, loyal, competitive, knowledgeable
Work ethic: Workhorses who prioritize work over most other things
Stereotypes: Stubborn, resistant to change, technologically illiterate
These differences create challenges when managing a multigenerational workforce; the workplace may feel divided or hostile. Managing generational differences requires thoughtfulness and flexibility. An inclusive and adaptable work environment helps harness each generation’s strengths while compensating for weaknesses.
Adapting to Generational Differences in a Multigenerational Workplace
The future of work depends on collaboration; leaders can help employees develop specific skills and implement certain strategies to encourage this. A successful multigenerational workforce relies on the cooperation of its employees. Adaptation requires employees from all generations to come together to find solutions that work for everyone.
Skills for Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Z, and Millennials in the Workplace
Each generation possesses unique skills and perspectives shaped by the social context within which they grew up. While this variety adds value to the workplace, it can cause an understandable divide. It is crucial for organizations to clearly outline company values, job descriptions, and preferred operating procedures. Such clarification will illuminate areas where skill development might help bridge any divides.
Technological Literacy in a Multigenerational Workplace
Technological literacy helps bridge the gap between generational differences. Almost every modern workplace uses technology to some degree in its operations. Ensuring staff members are technologically adept improves communication and limits frustrations.
Generational differences in technological familiarity can create unnecessary barriers. While younger generations had exposure to technology at an early age, older generations grew up in a time when it was less prevalent. Sometimes, individuals of younger generations incorrectly assume that their elder colleagues are incapable of using digital tools. These discrepancies can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and communication gaps. Encourage younger members of your team to assist older team members with their technological conflicts. A helpful attitude improves your team’s technological literacy while encouraging teamwork.
Active Listening in a Multigenerational Workplace
Active listening helps individuals feel understood and valued. It involves paying full attention to others while seeking to understand them. This display of empathy improves communication while strengthening relationships.
Make sure your organization understands the importance of active listening in the context of a one-team mindset. When employees actively listen to their colleagues, it builds a strong company culture and strengthens internal relationships.
Strategies for Leaders in a Multigenerational Workplace
Encourage your team to overcome multigenerational workplace challenges through culture-building strategies. Motivate team members to interact and bond with one another.
Cross-Generational Mentoring in a Multigenerational Workplace
Younger generations have much to learn from their older colleagues, and vice versa. Cross-generational mentoring programs encourage different age groups to learn from each other. This mutual sharing of knowledge builds relationships among staff while allowing them to build new skills.
Emphasize the importance of knowledge sharing and how it benefits participants. It encourages individual growth and develops a supportive environment. Mentoring instills confidence in team members and helps them feel valued.
Building Intergenerational Teams in the Workplace
Create cross-generational teams to encourage collaboration. Combining different generations’ perspectives and strengths forms unique solutions and allows team members to understand each other personally.
Each generation tackles problems using different sets of life experiences and skills. Cross-generational teams bridge generational gaps by fostering understanding and appreciation via dialogue that may not occur naturally otherwise. Such conversations build personal bonds between team members.
Multigenerational Workforce Training
The interaction between staff may not come naturally when a workplace is generationally diverse. Generational differences can cause gaps in communication.
The future of work depends on collaboration and understanding—but how do we get there? Training resources like Sōllah’s The Future of Work™ Generations in the Workplace help leaders manage and adapt to the complexities of inter-generational diversity in the workplace.
Each generation brings its own unique work styles and expectations to the workplace, based on common experiences many of them share. To have an inclusive workplace, you have to be intentional and willing to listen to others, gain perspectives, and make adjustments, with the ultimate goal of staying connected… across generations.
We all get frustrated. But we need to be positive and professional in our interactions with our customers. As a leader in the organization, we need to make sure we are offering all of our customers the best experience possible. Without our customers, we wouldn’t have a business.
If you're not talking about how the different workplace generations need to better understand each other, you're missing a key part of the inclusion puzzle. For the first time, we have five generations in the workplace! This thought-provoking, powerful short video uses impactful imagery, video and music to inform and encourage discussion on the generation gap within the workplace.
Our workplace is full of employees from multiple generations. It is important to recognize and appreciate the knowledge, perspectives, and experiences that each generation brings to the table. Everyone has value, no matter their age. Creating a respectful workplace means leading others through biases and focusing on including others.