Sollah Design Methodology Overview
This document compares two common design methodologies.
Video-Centered Design
This methodology provides maximum consistency in communicating key concepts of a particular message.
- Video is central to the design
- Key points in this design model are explained in the video
- A video host or narrator is typically viewed as the expert or an experienced peer
- Video provides the conceptual lesson and in action examples, and without the video there is no lesson
- Assessments, discussion, practice and other experiential activities typically prepare participants for the video and/or expand on concepts presented in the video
- Video can be used by itself, without a facilitator, and with minimal discussion
Facilitator-Centered Design
This methodology allows maximum flexibility to embellish, reinforce or refine the training experience.
- Facilitator is central to the design
- Key points in this design model are explained through a live facilitator
- A live facilitator is often viewed as the expert
- Video is used to show in action examples of the lesson, but the lesson is not conceptually presented in the video
- Assessments, discussion, use of video, practice, and other experiential activities are key to understanding the course concepts and skills
- Facilitator’s ability to draw information from participants
Facilitation skills used to maximize learning impact in both methodologies include:
- Listening
- Probing
- Redirection of questions
- Defusing emotion
- Appropriate talk/listen ratio
- Balance of participant responses
- Attention and adjustment to learning styles
- Quick thinking and flexibility
- Appropriate use of visual aids to solidify key concepts