
Harassment Prevention Training...
It Matters!

Harassment prevention training is not only a legal obligation but also a strategic investment for organizations. By providing effective and regular harassment prevention training to all employees and managers, organizations can create a more respectful, inclusive, and professional workplace that benefits everyone.

Sollah Can Help. Let's Connect.

Harassment Prevention Training: Why It Matters for Your Organization


Harassment is a form of discrimination that violates federal and state laws, as well as the dignity and rights of individuals. Harassment can create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive work environment that affects the well-being, productivity, and performance of employees and managers. Harassment can also expose an organization to legal liability, reputational damage, and financial losses.

What's all this mean? It's crucial for organizations to provide effective and regular harassment prevention training to all employees and managers.

Harassment Risk Factor Resource. Download Now!

Understanding the true issues around harassment prevention can be overwhelming. Sollah has made it easy!

Complete this short form to receive immediate access to a powerful, easy-to-use resource that features the EEOC's top risk factors for workplace harassment & discrimination.

Inappropriate Texting

Do your employees know the difference between unprofessional and illegal behavior and sexual harassment? Do they know how to handle borderline situations involving themselves or their coworkers?

This clip is called Sexting...
of the video program ENOUGH!™ Sexual Harassment Situations for Discussion

Harassment prevention training can help organizations achieve the following benefits:

Raises awareness and understanding of what constitutes harassment, how to prevent it, and how to respond to it. Harassment prevention training can educate employees and managers on the legal definition of harassment, the different types of harassment (such as sexual, racial, religious, disability, etc.), the impact of harassment on individuals and the organization, the rights and responsibilities of employees and managers, and the policies and procedures for reporting and resolving harassment complaints.

Fosters a culture of respect, inclusion, and professionalism in the workplace. Harassment prevention training can help employees and managers develop positive attitudes and behaviors that promote a respectful, inclusive, and professional work environment. Harassment prevention training can also help employees and managers recognize and appreciate the diversity of their colleagues, customers, and stakeholders, and avoid stereotypes, biases, and prejudices that can lead to harassment.

Reduces the risk of harassment incidents and legal claims. Harassment prevention training can help employees and managers prevent harassment from occurring or escalating by providing them with practical skills and strategies to identify, address, and stop inappropriate or unlawful conduct. Harassment prevention training can also help employees and managers comply with the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the organization's policies and procedures, regarding harassment. By reducing the occurrence and severity of harassment incidents, harassment prevention training can also reduce the potential legal claims and costs that may arise from such incidents.

Enhances employee engagement and retention. Harassment prevention training can help employees and managers feel valued, supported, and empowered in their work. Harassment prevention training can also help employees and managers build trust, communication, collaboration, and morale among themselves and with the organization. By improving employee engagement and retention, harassment prevention training can also improve organizational performance and outcomes.

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According to the EEOC, one of the promising practices for preventing harassment is to provide regular, interactive training tailored to the audience and the organization.

Best practices for delivering effective harassment prevention training include:

  • Setting clear goals and objectives for the training.
  • Aligning the training content with the organization's mission, vision, values, policies, procedures, culture, industry, etc.
  • Using relevant examples, scenarios, case studies, exercises, quizzes, etc., to illustrate the concepts and skills.
  • Encouraging active participation and feedback from the trainees.
  • Providing opportunities for reflection, discussion, application, evaluation, etc., during and after the training.
  • Reinforcing the key messages and learnings from the training through follow-up activities, resources, support systems, etc.
  • Updating and revising the training content regularly to reflect changes in laws, regulations, policies, procedures, best practices, etc.
  • Measuring and reporting the effectiveness and impact of the training on individual and organizational outcomes.

Featured Programs from Sollah... Ready to Implement!

Training solutions that foster effective workplace communication.

Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™
Right Side of the Line: Creating a Respectful & Harassment-Free Workplace™

Now more than ever, your employees need to know exactly where the boundaries of acceptable and legal workplace behavior are drawn. Right Side of the Line™ addresses harassment in all its form, including hazing, gossip, retaliation and more. This workshop meets federal compliance standards for harassment prevention training, giving employees the tools to resolve situations before they escalate. For your business issues on: Harassment, Discrimination, EEOC & Legal Issues.

ENOUGH!™ Sexual Harassment Situations for Discussion
ENOUGH!™ Sexual Harassment Situations for Discussion

Most of us know that we all share a responsibility for preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. But one of the challenges we face on a day to day basis is recognizing it. It's not enough to understand the legal definition alone… we have to know what sexual harassment looks like in the real world… and its consequences on each other… and the organization.

It's Still Not Just About Sex Anymore™: Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace
It's Still Not Just About Sex Anymore™: Harassment & Discrimination in the Workplace

Updated! In the ever-changing work environment, it's difficult to know - or understand - what's allowed and what's not allowed at work. This best-selling program brings greater awareness to the many types of harassment which can occur in the workplace. It dramatizes employee behaviors that can lead to formal charges and result in serious consequences for the individual... and the organization. Topics covered: protected classes (i.e. pregnancy, obesity), general harassment, gender identity, religion, free speech and more!

I Said Something™ Promoting Respectful Workplace Behavior
I Said Something™ Promoting Respectful Workplace Behavior

Organizations want productive and engaged employees who contribute to the bottom line... but just one aggressive employee can ruin it all. There are real consequences associated with crossing the line at work and more than money is what’s at stake for organizations of all kinds. The effects of bullying, abusive conduct and especially harassment can damage an organization’s morale, brand and leave targets unproductive and fearful.

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