We Must Do It!
Activities ID: 3106

We Must Do It!

Reinvigorate a Training Session

Identify items most likely to help the organization become successful - specifically using probing questions to get to the core issues.

Buying Options

Pack of 100 $1.00 (Minimum 100 packs)

These laminated cards are sturdy and printed in eye-catching colors.


Additional Information

If using this activity as a stand-alone session, continue the discussion by encouraging everyone to openly discuss each item. Suggested probing questions include:
  • Why is this item important?
  • What are we doing now that is working?
  • What can we do to improve?
  • Why is it difficult for us to do [insert item]?
  • What would make it easier for us?

More From the Series: Beyond the Box™ Activity Binder

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