Effective Project Management (How-To Book)
How-To Books ID: 2462

Effective Project Management (How-To Book)

Managing Projects Effectively

Managing a project requires different skills and techniques than managing ongoing responsibilities. The purpose of this book is to acquaint you with the basic skills and tools needed to manage a project. It will not substitute for experience, but it will help direct you to what works in various situations. We have adapted tried-and-true techniques and tools to today’s fast-moving project management landscape where, instead of managing one project at a time, you may find yourself managing or involved in several at once.

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Book $21.95

Paperback Book


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Hierarchical organizations in which managers and supervisors maintain all control and assign all tasks are on the way out. Emerging in their place are customer-focused organizations that support and leverage the talents and skills of the workers who serve those customers.

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