You Can't Do It All: Effective Delegation for Supervisors (How-To Book)
How-To Books ID: 2537

You Can't Do It All: Effective Delegation for Supervisors (How-To Book)

Delegating to Others

Most accomplished leaders would agree that delegation is one of the most important skills in their repertoire. Why? Imagine your own situation: Are you a manager or supervisor who comes in early, stays late, and gives 110 percent? Then delegation will help you improve your results while decreasing the time you spend at work. Do you wish your employees were more loyal to you or the organization? When you delegate well, your employees widen their horizons, develop new skills, and enjoy a new level of authority. That usually leads to an impressive increase in loyalty and commitment.

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Effective delegation produces a win all around! It’s much more difficult to practice effective delegation than it is simply to understand it. But if you apply this book’s techniques, you’ll find yourself managing the delegation process with assurance in no time!

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