TrainingBriefs® Exploring Our Filters
TrainingBriefs® Course ID: 2183

TrainingBriefs® Exploring Our Filters

Effective Communication

New Micro-Learning! How we communicate and how effectively we communicate has to do with a lot more than just mastering language. In addition to the varied ways of sending communication, each person receives it via various different filters... filters we all have.

Buying Options

eLearning - Sollah Hosted $9.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be uploaded to TRAININGFLOW™. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

eLearning - Client Hosted $8.00 (Minimum 100 learners)

The course will be packaged for use in YOUR OWN LMS. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Request a Quote

Please contact us using the form below. We'll answer your questions and provide a timely quote. Course pricing is based on the total number of learners for the chosen license period (1-3 years). There are volume as well as multi-year discounts available.

Additional Information

New Micro-Learning! How we communicate and how effectively we communicate has to do with a lot more than just mastering language. In addition to the varied ways of sending communication, each person receives it via various different filters... filters we all have.

Some filters change depending on the moment such as, emotion and situational context. Others may stay consistent over a long period of time such as, gender, culture, and personal beliefs.

More From the Series: Everyday Diversity™ Recruiting, Hiring & Retaining Diverse Talent

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Category & Details

Also Available as


  • Creating a Collaborative Environment
  • Understanding Diversity
  • Fostering Inclusion, Equity & Belonging

Learning Objectives

  • Find great ways to drive innovation while creating an inclusive and productive workplace.
  • Understand how to use filters to your advantage to spark new ideas and creativity.


  • Audible Narration
  • Integrated Video
  • Interactions and Activities
  • Post-Assessment

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