E•Z START™ Tackling Unconscious Bias
E∙Z START™ ID: 2566

E•Z START™ Tackling Unconscious Bias

Understanding Unconscious Bias

Addressing unconscious/hidden bias takes time and considerable effort. It’s about making a more conscious choice about how you show up in the world. It’s about getting comfortable with being… well, uncomfortable. This E•Z START™ is geared towards all employees within your organization (executives, managers, supervisors, front-line employees, staff, etc.) promoting healthy conversations around our biases – and how they impact others. Total Discussion Time: 30-60 Minutes

Additional Information

E•Z START™ programs are designed to make training your team or organization quick and comprehensive. Each topic-specific roadmap includes the tools you need to launch an engaging and interactive training effort in minutes. Programs include a video clip, discussion guide, activity, reinforcement materials - all curated to maximize implementation.

More From the Series: M.E.E.T.: Breaking New Ground. Respect and Inclusion in the Workplace™

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