Video Vignettes ID: 444

Use Generalities as an Opportunity to Ask for a Specific Example

Probing Strategies

How would you probe when the interviewee gives general responses to your questions? Consider Probes For A Specific Example: "Tell me what you did when you helped a specific person get organized?" "Describe what you did to make one meeting really effective for getting organized?" "Give me an example of a time when a good worker’s complaint helped you improve organization?" "When did you use the computer system to improve organization?"

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Additional Information

Probing Strategy: Return to the target / use generalities as an opportunity to ask for a specific.

Sample Job Task: Clarify roles, responsibilities, and goals to organize work.

Sample Question: Describe a time when you were able to help someone get organized?

More From the Series: Get the Whole Picture: Asking Probing Questions in a Behavior-based Interview™

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