Video Program (ILT) ID: 2738

Let's T.A.L.K.™ Navigating Difficult Workplace Discussions

Mastering Difficult Workplace Conversations

Tackling difficult conversations is hard for just about everyone… especially when it comes to the trickier workplace issues that seem to pop up when you least expect it. Let's T.A.L.K.™ Navigating Difficult Workplace Discussions is designed to assist managers and supervisors in dealing with difficult workplace situations. The program provides several difficult scenarios that managers may face when dealing with employees and each scenario utilizes an easy-to- use, four-step process for working through the employee situation.

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USB Key (3-Year License) $2,695.00

Secure USB must be seated in computer in order to run. Content can't be copied or downloaded. Video will not stream on networks. License fee allows access to content for three years. Associated discussion/workshop materials will be delivered digitally.

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Additional Information

Understanding the feedback process in theory and actually sitting across from an employee and following through are two very different things. If employees always behaved the way they do in training videos, life would be easy. Unfortunately, people don’t always respond predictably, and knowing how to handle difficult situations is imperative for holding on to good employees.

"The T.A.L.K. program truly complimented my workshop - Optimizing Performance Management for Employee Engagement.  I needed some scenarios or case studies, but when I found the T.A.L.K. video it answered the call and gave our managers ways for informing a person who was not meeting the requirements of the job or that their behavior was inappropriate.  Very well received."
-- Oliver Allen, TADS

More From the Series: Let's T.A.LK.™ Navigating Difficult Workplace Discussions

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Category & Details


  • Ensuring Professional & Compliant Behavior
  • Inspiring and Motivating Your Workforce
  • Leading and Managing for Peak Performance

Learning Objectives

  • Learn to tell employees exactly how they see the performance situation.
  • Understand the importance of asking for feedback from difficult direct reports.
  • Learn to lead toward a solution.
  • Master the concept of keeping at it until it sticks.

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